Un hipotètic primer ministre xinès parla sobre democràcia:
"And why should they have more [democràcia]?" Bo Jintao asked, his hands rising in frustration. "A 'billion flowers', really? Has that [democràcia] worked so well for India, or is it more like a billion weeds? A country still crippled by corruption? That hasn’t conquered poverty almost halfway through the twenty-first century? Has it worked so well for the Americans? Where 'voting' means two sides in near-permanent paralysis? Or for Europe, still trying to decide if it’s one country or thirty, or thirty countries each splitting in half, and all the while sliding decade after decade into irrelevance?"
És una reflexió sobre la democràcia interessant, India corrupte, Amèrica vermella o blava cada bàndol desfent el que fa l'altra en 4 anys i Europa en una discussió perpetua. Sembla encertat i tot. I trist. |