clsData holds the declaration of all variables involved in stored procedure calling and some more. Most of them are arrays of clsColumn. We can review the code to see the purpose of each variable. Classes that inherite from clsData initialices all those variables with the correct values, need to invoke a SP. An inherited class usually belongs to a one table.
public class clsData
public string Prefix = "p";
public clsColumn[] ParamsGET;
public clsColumn[] ParamsINS;
public clsColumn[] ParamsUPD;
public clsColumn[] ParamsDEL;
public clsColumn[] ParamsQUERY;
public clsColumn[] ResultColumns;
public string CadConnBBDD;
public string spGET;
public string spINS;
public string spUPD;
public string spDEL;
public string spQUERY;
public string spCOUNT;
public SqlConnection SQLConn = null;
public SqlTransaction SQLTrans = null;
public bool HasIdentity = false;
public bool UseCache = false;
public bool AutoManageCache = true;
public string TableName = "";
public string Identity = "";
public clsColumn[] Serialitzar = null;
public clsColumn[] Deserialitzar = null;
private string SP_Cache = "DI_EXP_CACHE_DEL";